In October 2014, the port operations began.
First heifer export.
First container export with salmon from the southern austral zone
The Logistics Center begins operations to meet the needs of cargo reception and dispatch.
In July of this year chip embarking operations began.
With an expert team, great adaptability capacity and last generation technology, Maritime Terminals of Patagonia is positioned as the largest multipurpose port in Patagonia, offering an integral logistics services for the cargo transfer to importers and exporters from all over the world, always paying attention to their individual needs, in order to provide customized solutions of excellence.
General Manager
Manager’s Secretary
HR Manager
Head of Finance and Management Control
Head of Environment and Sustainability
Head of Procurement
Head of Remunerations
ICT Head
Chief accountant
Leader of the Occupational Health and Safety Department
Legal Advisor
Chincui Port Operations Deputy Manager
Documentary Department Manager
Head of People and Labor Relations
Logistic Hub Operations Deputy Manager
Head of Maintenance
Head of People and Labor Relations